Edition 1 | October, 2017

inclusion in a
montessori setting

In our school, inclusion starts with a strong Montessori foundation.

Recently, we’ve been reviewing our policy and practices as we aim to further enhance educational provision for every student. We’ve started working with Sue Cairns, a consultant from the Association of Independent Schools (AISNSW) of which we are a member school. Sue visited in Term 3 to observe in classrooms and will be returning to continue observations during Term 4. She also conducted our recent staff workshop.

Staff feedback after this workshop was very positive:

  • “Thank you for the great access to resources to support teaching and learning.”
  • “So good to have time to learn more about general adjustments for children with special needs and how to approach the planning for an Independent Program (IP).”
  • “I gained a much better understanding of the discrimination Act and how it relates to schools.”

Staff training in Montessori-based special education techniques will continue, with staff providing input to the future training they consider beneficial, for example:

  • “More case studies please.”
  • “Opportunity to collaborate in small groups to construct the IP and share ideas.”

Part of this learning journey for the FMS community is our desire to continue to build on our partnership with families and to remain true to one of the main tenants of Montessori philosophy, encouraging independence.


“Never help a child with a task which he feels he can succeed." - Dr Maria Montessori