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October 2019

What’s Parenting Like for Families Today?

By Emotional Wellbeing, Parenting No Comments
You belong to a unique period in human history.  Countless distractions compete for your attention in your home and work life.  How does this play out when you’re with your children?  Work demands can be unrelenting, interruptions with technology are ever present, complete with draining household logistics and consumer media. So, what’s the ultimate challenge?  Being present and being intentional with your choices.  An awareness of how these challenges impact the…
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The Smiles Say it All…

By FMS Values, Parenting No Comments
Living in Australia away from my homeland I’ve come to appreciate the times that my parents have travelled a very long way to be with my daughter.  Now they are older and not able to travel we miss them so much and we take regular trips back to Scotland to be with them.   What’s special about the time they spend together are the little things like the day she dropped…
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