Edition 2 | December, 2017

From the Classrooms
The Prepared Environment

In the October edition of InFocus our Deputy Principal & Head of Montessori Teaching, Anthony Milano,
wrote in Montessori Matters on Understanding the Montessori Prepared Environment.

In this edition of InFocus, our teachers demonstrate the educational
theory in everyday practice. The benefits for the children shine through.

The Gentlest Touch

The Gentlest Touch

The Infant Community environment is beautifully prepared to entice the children to develop their knowledge and skills through participating in every day experiences.

Safety In Structure

Safety In Structure

The Prepared Environment is one of the basic elements. It must be physically and psychologically prepared for the children.

Connecting with
Reality and Nature

Connecting with Reality and Nature

Children are naturally connected with reality. It is their unconscious task to absorb their surroundings and become a person of their time and place within the first plane of life.

Order All
Around Me

Order All Around Me

In the 3-6 stage of development we understand that the child has a basic human need for both routine and order in their environment.

Tip of the Iceberg

Tip of the Iceberg

Just as the 6 to 12 year old period is where children are strongest physically, this is also the period most receptive to intellectual learning.

Building Their Own Society

Building Their Own Society

Social environments, in general, are complex places to manage. There are countless unspoken rules to navigate as we learn how to socialise in a meaningful manner.



Japanese has been identified as one of the priority languages in the Asia-Pacific region to be taught in Australian schools.

A World Away

A World Away

Teaching sport in a Montessori environment is a world away from the traditional PE lessons most of us are familiar with.