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The level of involvement you have in your child’s education is very important. Having a greater understanding of what they are doing during their day will allow you to support the Montessori process when they are at home.

At Forestville Montessori School we believe that parents and teachers need to work together in order to support the needs and interests of your child. Following are some ways you can be involved.

Montessori Learning is Fun

At Forestville Montessori School, our students are never bored! We harness their curiosity, seeking adventures to ignite their natural curiosity, energy and joy for lifelong learning, taking them beyond inspired.

Parent/teacher conferences are held twice a year to discuss each child's progress. Teachers are always available to talk about our child’s progress. We encourage you to contact us anytime.

Parent Conferences

Classroom Observations

Parents are encouraged to observe in their child's classroom each academic year. Parents should observe the classroom as a whole and not just their child in isolation. This acquaints the parents with the child as part of the entire group of children working in the Montessori environment. Observations are available during second and third terms. Observations are one hour. Parents are also invited to observe in new classrooms prior to their child’s transition.

Working Bees

Parents, staff and children contribute to the beauty of our school. The extensive array of classroom equipment in Montessori classrooms need ongoing maintenance in order to provide the optimal Montessori environment for children. Our school grounds enhance the implementation of our Montessori philosophy, featuring eco-gardens, native gardens and play space. Both these aspects of your children's school environment need continual maintenance and cleaning, and all families are expected to contribute a minimum of 6 hours to this end each term. Working bees are generally held on the last weekend before school resumes each term. Families may choose to pay a levy instead of attending a working bee.

Community Team

The Community Team is made up of parents at our school. Their main goal is to build community spirit. This is achieved in a number of ways including, organising social events throughout the year. Parents are encouraged to join the community team. It is a great way to get to know parents across the school.

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Under 3

Birth – 3 Years


3 – 6 Years

Lower Primary

6 – 9 Years

Upper Primary

9 – 12 Years

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