“Education of even a very small child…does not aim at preparing them for school, but for life.”
Dr Maria Montessori
Agreed that FMS provides a challenging curriculum.
Agreed that FMS prepares children for lifelong learning.
Agreed that FMS provides sound teaching of the basics.
Agreed that the classroom
environments are welcoming.
Agreed that the Montessori materials are beautifully presented.
FMS Toddlers (ages 2-3): Thriving Towards Independence
Your child will thrive as an independent learner by engaging in activities that develop concentration, motor skills, self-esteem and a joy for learning.
FMS Pre Primary (ages 3-6): Foundations for future learning
Tap into your child’s extraordinary capacity to learn through exploration, curiosity and hands on experience. In their 3rd year of pre-primary school, students may enter the NESA registered FMS Kindergarten program - the first step in your child's primary school education.
FMS Lower Primary (ages 6-9): Thriving towards the future
Meet your child’s need for intellectual independence, personal interest and social interaction as their sense of self develops.
FMS Upper Primary (ages 9-12): Thriving as confident, compassionate & capable individuals
With growing responsibility and time for personal and collaborative work, your child will thrive as a well-rounded, capable and compassionate member of their community.