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Why do Montessori Classrooms Have Long, Uninterrupted Work Periods?

By Article, Montessori Basics, Montessori in Action, Montessori Learning, Our School, The Prepared Environment No Comments
The Montessori method of education was born from Dr. Montessori's scientific observations as she explored how to support children’s optimum development. In her studies, Dr. Montessori found that children need a block of uninterrupted time to go through cycles of focus and consolidation. Children aged two and a half and older need at least three hours to move through rhythms of focus. Often, the most growth and meaningful work happens…
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Transitioning from Summer to School

By Article, Helpful Hints, Our School, Parenting, Talking with children No Comments
As much as we love (and need) holidays, the end of our extended summer break and the return of a routine and consistent schedule can be quite a relief for both parents and children. Steady, well-thought-out routines help our children develop good habits that can last a lifetime. In addition, the consistency of routines can decrease stress, ease anxiety, and reduce irritability (for both children and parents!). Ideally, the transition…
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A Sprinkling of Holiday Ideas

By Article, Helpful Hints, Montessori in Action, Montessori Learning, Montessori learning at home, Our School No Comments
We have seen how children feel more grounded and cooperative when they have a role to play. Thus, whenever possible, it’s helpful to find little (and sometimes big!) ways for children to help with holiday preparations. Children’s active participation helps them develop important life skills and also helps them better adapt to changes in holiday rhythms and routines. We wanted to share a few ideas on incorporating Montessori principles into…
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Outdoor learning at FMS

Equine Assisted Learning: Personal Development for Primary Students

By Article, Emotional Wellbeing, Montessori Learning, Our School No Comments
This week, our 9-12 students had their second Equine Assisted Learning experience (EAL) for the year.  The EAL program at FMS is part of our 9-12 leadership and personal development program. The program is coordinated by 9-12 class assistant Meghan, whose business, Growth Edges, specialises in equine therapy and personal development for schools, groups and individuals.  The program provides invaluable skills in leadership and personal growth for our 9-12 students,…
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Cosmic Education at Forestville Montessori School

Montessori Education: What is Cosmic Work?

By Article, FMS Values, Montessori Basics, Montessori Learning No Comments
Recently we’ve been sharing elements of the Montessori learning journey, and how we assess learning as our students’ progress. This week, we take a closer look at what your children learn in their Montessori classroom, specifically in the primary school years. “They have already absorbed the immediate environment and the restricted society they and their families have dealings with. You must try to give the child what he now longs…
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Authentic assessment of students

Student assessment in a Montessori school

By Article, FMS Values, Immersion Experiences, Montessori Learning, Our School No Comments
Like most schools across Australia, FMS will issue school reports at the end of this term. This surprises many people, who hold the common misconception that Montessori students aren’t assessed. This couldn’t be further from the truth!   While Montessori students are not assessed in the traditional test and exam format, they are assessed continually, daily and personally throughout their Montessori journey. Traditional assessment: What do tests, quizzes, and grades really measure?  …
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Forestville Montessori senior primary students

Leadership and collaboration in the Montessori education journey

By Article, FMS Values, Immersion Experiences, Montessori Learning, Our School No Comments
Leadership, collaboration and teamwork are staple features in the Montessori education journey.  Children as young as 2 years of age are given leadership opportunities within their community – like these children from our toddler program, who are leading an afternoon singing activity with Emma, their guide. In our Montessori toddler program, young children develop early notions of community, collaboration and teamwork in everyday activities. For example, children tasked with setting tables…
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An Expansive Experience: Music in Montessori

By Article, Immersion Experiences, Montessori Learning, Our School No Comments
In Montessori, music is both interwoven into the curriculum and its own area of study. Music is part of regular weekly lessons for Forestville Montessori toddler, pre-school and primary school students.  We also run music-based activities such as yesterday’s African Drumming event, and tomorrow’s close-up with accomplished musician Genevieve Lang, who will play the harp and teach students about this beautiful instrument (keep your eye on our socials to see…
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Celebrating the Montessori Teacher

By Article, Montessori Learning, Montessori learning at home, Montessori Philosophy, Parenting No Comments
October 25th is World Teacher’s Day – a day of great importance at FMS!   More than teachers, our educators are partners in learning, guides, mentors, role models, and friends. They make it possible for us to share the high-fidelity Montessori education FMS students enjoy. FMS teachers bring Montessori learning to life every day, so today, it’s hats off and gratitude to our team.  FMS teachers have a personal connection to the…
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Learning at FMS: A parent’s view

By Article, Montessori Learning, Montessori learning at home, Montessori Philosophy, Parenting No Comments
As we start a new school term, we focus on settling children into their classes, their work and their school routine. At Forestville Montessori School (FMS), routines and schoolwork can look a little different than other schools. With this in mind, we’d like to share what learning at FMS looks like from a parent’s point of view. Here, an FMS mother of 3 shares her process for choosing a Montessori…
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