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February 2021

What is Cosmic Education?

By Montessori in Action, Montessori Philosophy No Comments
As your child nears the end of their early childhood years and edges toward primary, you may begin hearing the term cosmic education. Ever wondered what Montessorians are referring to when they say this? The short answer is that cosmic education is the term Maria Montessori gave to the primary cultural curriculum (and by cultural, we mean history, science, and geography).   As you may have guessed, to truly understand cosmic education, it takes much more than a short answer! Read on…
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7 Major Ways Montessori is Different

By Montessori in Action, Montessori Philosophy No Comments
There’s no doubt about it: Montessori is different. From the moment you step foot into our school, you know it’s unlike any conventional school.   We like it that way. We know what we’re offering is special, and the families who seek out our school are usually looking for something different.   What, exactly, makes Montessori special? Read on to learn just a few of the many ways.  1. Freedom Within Limits …
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From Hand Washing to Entrepreneurship 

By Montessori in Action, Montessori Philosophy No Comments
Practical life is one of Montessori education's core components, and it’s one of the vital elements that make it stand out from other models. The work comes in a variety of forms, too. Educators give direct lessons, children are afforded time and space to practice, and much of the learning is built authentically into the daily routine.   What practical life looks like throughout the different stages of childhood is where things get…
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6 Effective Ways to Be an Engaged Parent

By Parenting No Comments
Research has shown time and time again that parent involvement is critical to children’s success. Click here for more information. We all want to take an active role in our child’s education, but sometimes it can be a challenge to discern just where our efforts are best spent. Below we touch on six critical areas that all parents can focus on to make a big difference.  1. Make Connections  Consider the whole school…
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