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September 2019

What’s All The Fuss About Class Size?

By Parenting No Comments
Class size in schools is a hot topic at the moment.  Here at Forestville Montessori School we’re perplexed. We don’t get what all the fuss is about. Our students are self-directed learners, setting their own pace with teachers who tailor learning to their individual needs, taking them on a journey of discovery. We focus on things like ensuring students are engaged regardless of their age and abilities. We seek adventures…
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Parents looking at a computer with child.

Introducing Transparent Classroom

By Parenting No Comments
Transparent Classroom is a huge shift in the way we as busy educators plan, deliver and record our daily interactions with children in our Montessori environments. We’re excited about introducing Transparent Classroom because it’s genuinely Montessori and we get to track every child’s progress. Ever wondered what lessons your child has participated in  every day? Ever wondered what’s happening for your child in their learning environment in real time? Wanting…
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Love the Earth

Books to Love the Earth

By Montessori Philosophy, Parenting No Comments
Our planet is a beautiful, magical place.  As our children move through their young lives at a different pace and with different eyes than we have as adults, they often remind us to notice all the small and special things.  Whether it be a ladybug on their bedroom wall or the way leaves make shadows on the lawn, we get to appreciate Earth in a new way. This book list…
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