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August 2022

From Independence to Interdependence

By FMS Values, Montessori Philosophy, Parenting No Comments
In Montessori, we talk a lot about independence. However, one of the lesser known or understood aspects of Montessori is that independence isn’t the end goal.  As humans, we are each wonderful, unique individuals. But we don’t exist in isolation. We live amongst other wonderful, unique individuals! In order to effectively live in community with other people, though, we need to be able to function independently. Said another way, before…
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How to Encourage Joyful Readers

By Helpful Hints, Parenting No Comments
Proficient reading skills set our children up for success in so many ways. Cultivating a love of joyful reading provides them with a lifetime of inspiration, entertainment, and knowledge.  Do teachers teach kids to read? Of course. What parents do at home also plays an enormous role in a child’s perspective and success. Here are our tips to support learning and make reading a positive experience that your child will…
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Montessori Basics: Observation

By Montessori Basics No Comments
Montessori classrooms rely heavily on the art of observation. Sadly, during COVID, physical observation onsite was not possible but now we want to get back into this practice.   You may see it in action some time, or you may have an opportunity to try it yourself (which we welcome and encourage!).  If you ever walk past a classroom and see the children working intently, while the educator is quietly sitting…
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