There are numerous benefits to having pets in our school. We encourage our staff to include safe pets in our Montessori environment. We love our FMS pets: Timmy the Turtle in Katukulung Lily the Bearded Dragon in Koorowull Ellie and Nibbles the Rats in Terraulong Strawberry, Chippy and Midnight the Guinea Pigs in Terraulong Fish at Reception and Terraulong Our School Chickens And now Monty who joined the staff team as…
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We all want our children to be peaceful and accepting of others. It is never too early to start teaching them to embrace diversity. Too often, we falsely imagine that young children do not notice what makes them different from each other. They do notice, and instead of waiting for them to ask questions or gather information on their own, we can be proactive about diversity education. We can teach…
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In Montessori, we talk a lot about the “prepared environment.” Really, though, this concept of a prepared environment isn’t limited to Montessori. In fact, from the earth’s biosphere offering an array of support for life, to the fragrant and colorful flowers existing to lure pollinators, to a woman’s uterus preparing each month for the implantation of a fertilized egg – prepared environments are all around us! A prepared environment has…
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In Montessori, you know your four year old loves their classroom and their work. You know their teachers are guiding them to learn early mathematical skills. But what, exactly, does that look like? And how does it change as they get older? Montessori mathematics materials are nothing short of amazing. While they look quite different than what we used growing up (pencil, paper and textbooks) there are intentional reasons for…
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Visit any primary or pre-school Montessori classroom and you’ll immediately notice a stunning display of colourful glass beads hanging in an open cabinet. Children (and adults!) are drawn to the order and elegance of the bead chains. Beyond their initial aesthetic appeal, the bead chain material offers an amazing array of intellectual opportunities for young children to those in their elementary years. Colour-coding One of the brilliant aspects of the…
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