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May 2019

Mathematics through the levels

Montessori Basics: How Mathematics Progresses Through the Levels

By Montessori Basics, Montessori Educators No Comments
In Montessori, you know your four year old loves their classroom and their work.  You know their teachers are guiding them to learn early mathematical skills.  But what, exactly, does that look like?  And how does it change as they get older?  Montessori mathematics materials are nothing short of amazing.  While they look quite different than what we used growing up (pencil, paper and textbooks) there are intentional reasons for…
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Montessori and Peace Education

Montessori and Peace Education

By FMS Values, Montessori Basics, Montessori Philosophy No Comments
Our world is often a tumultuous and scary place. How can we help our children feel safe and cared for, while preparing them to lead the way as adults? How can we cultivate empathy, kindness, gratitude, and the sense of community that helps people work together? Montessori education has been addressing these issues for over a hundred years. Sometimes the lessons are direct; at other times they are subtle. The…
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Show Mum how much you care on Mother's Day

5 Simple Ways to Show Her You Care on Mother’s Day

By Montessori Philosophy, Parenting No Comments
Everyone loves to feel appreciated.  With Mother’s Day coming up next Sunday, it’s a great time to think of how you might show the mothers and carers in your life what they mean to you.  Here at FMS our students are getting ready to host a Mother’s Day morning tea, but in the meantime, we offer five simple ideas to celebrate and care for the woman who cares for everyone.…
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