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May 2020

Why Montessori in the time of COVID-19?

By Montessori Learning, Montessori Philosophy No Comments
We know parents have choices when it comes to their children’s education. We know these choices are not easy. There are many factors to consider, but  have you thought about why Montessori students could adapt so well to Learning from Home during COVID-19? Independence is a key factor.  Montessori education has been successfully serving children and families around the world for over a century. The basics remain - and for…
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10 Little Ways to Show Them You Love Them

By Emotional Wellbeing, Parenting, Talking with children No Comments
We all tell our children we love them, and it’s so important that they hear it! Looking for some fun ways to mix it up and show them you love them? Check out our ten tips: Keep some whiteboard markers handy Whiteboard markers work really well on glass surfaces such as windows and mirrors. No matter what age your child is, this simple and fun idea will put a smile…
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Thriving Beyond COVID-19

By Emotional Wellbeing, Parenting, Talking with children No Comments
We’ve all been travelling a very interesting path recently.  Day after day, all around the world, we’ve toiled with how to get ahead of the next stage of the coronavirus.  Safeguarding our lives and our livelihoods was the imperative.  But now we’re starting to move ahead.  We’re starting to think about how we will all focus on thriving beyond COVID-19.  We’re starting to feel free again to dream and to…
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6 Simple Ways to Show Her You Care on Mother’s Day

By Montessori Philosophy, Parenting No Comments
Everyone loves to feel appreciated.  With Mother’s Day coming up this Sunday, it’s a great time to think of how you might show the mums in your life what they mean to you.  Here are six simple ideas to celebrate and care for the woman who cares for everyone. Remember to have a card ready. You could absolutely buy a Mother’s Day card; there are plenty of great ones out…
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