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March 2022

Montessori Materials: The Stamp Game

By Montessori Learning, Montessori Philosophy No Comments
This post is one a series throughout the school year, where we share information about a different Montessori material. Doing so will help parents who are curious about what goes on in our environments, but it will also give unique insight into Montessori principles and how the method was developed in the first place.  Today we talk about the stamp game. A beloved mathematics material that is used by children…
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Be Kind

By Emotional Wellbeing, FMS Values No Comments
We celebrated Harmony Day this week and it felt good to be together as a community. Let’s take a moment to think about the reason we celebrate: respect and ultimately that means love. And what better way to experience love on a daily basis than to live a life of kindness?  Your children learn kindness by watching others, including their friends, their educators and you. When we take the time to…
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Practical Life for Older Children and Teens

By Montessori Learning, Montessori Philosophy No Comments
When people think about Montessori schools, some of the most prominent materials that come to mind are the beautiful practical life opportunities in our Pre Primary (3-6 Years) environments. There are small wooden trays with pouring and transferring works. There are whole lessons dedicated to the arrangement of flowers. The children prepare their own snacks and wash their own dishes. They use special frames that teach them to tie, buckle,…
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Montessori: A Woman Who Flourished in the Face of Adversity

By Montessori Learning, Montessori Philosophy No Comments
Dr. Maria Montessori: You probably know her as the woman who created a unique method of educating children. You may know she was from Italy and was one of the nation’s first female physicians. What you may not know is she was a woman who consistently faced adversity throughout her life and still managed to cultivate incredible progress.  During Dr. Montessori’s childhood, literacy rates were very low across Italy. She…
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Children and the News

By Emotional Wellbeing, Parenting No Comments
It seems like this is as good a time as any to talk about how our children interact with the news. The news simply wasn’t designed with children in mind, and although it is certainly an important part of our lives, we have to remember how it may affect our kids. We hope this guide will give you some helpful tips.  Potential Problems  Before we jump into the problems, we…
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Joining a Montessori Community

By Montessori in Action No Comments
We care for your children and  because we care we want each and every one of them to thrive.  Thriving beyond here at FMS is more than a tagline, it’s a way of being, a way of doing, a way of taking every child on their own unique journey.   Your child is important to us, central to all that we do.  Your hopes and desires for your child matter to…
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