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August 2021

6 Simple Reminders: Self-Care for Parents

By Emotional Wellbeing, Parenting, Talking with children No Comments
Parenting is an amazing life experience. We all know how lucky we are to watch our children as they grow into the people they are meant to be. We try to stop and appreciate the little moments. We take hundreds of photos. We try to prepare them healthy food and space to run and play. We tell them we love them and do our very best to really be present. …
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Supporting Your Child’s Emotions During Uncertain Times

By Parenting, Talking with children No Comments
With today’s reported COVID cases the highest ever in NSW, we are certainly facing uncertain times ahead and with enormous challenges we did not predict or expect. With Level 4 Lockdown doomed to continue in Sydney, our children are likely to be Learning from Home for longer.  As parents, you are no doubt juggling working from home whilst managing your children at home.  The streets are eerily silent, and grocery stores are weird places. We’re all a little on edge, but as you might imagine,…
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