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Thriving Beyond COVID-19

By Emotional Wellbeing, Parenting, Talking with children No Comments
We’ve all been travelling a very interesting path recently.  Day after day, all around the world, we’ve toiled with how to get ahead of the next stage of the coronavirus.  Safeguarding our lives and our livelihoods was the imperative.  But now we’re starting to move ahead.  We’re starting to think about how we will all focus on thriving beyond COVID-19.  We’re starting to feel free again to dream and to…
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6 Simple Ways to Show Her You Care on Mother’s Day

By Montessori Philosophy, Parenting No Comments
Everyone loves to feel appreciated.  With Mother’s Day coming up this Sunday, it’s a great time to think of how you might show the mums in your life what they mean to you.  Here are six simple ideas to celebrate and care for the woman who cares for everyone. Remember to have a card ready. You could absolutely buy a Mother’s Day card; there are plenty of great ones out…
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Supporting Your Child’s Emotions During Uncertain Times

By Parenting No Comments
As families we are currently faced with enormous challenges, we very likely did not predict or expect. Some children are home from school, you are likely working from home, the streets are eerily silent, and supermarkets are weird places. We’re all a little on edge, but as you might imagine, this is a difficult time for our children. You’ve likely seen a host of surprising emotions pour from them in…
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Learning from Home

By Montessori Learning, Parenting No Comments
Little did we know when we celebrated the countdown to 2020 that we would find ourselves navigating a global pandemic.  It feels like we are living in our own movie.  If only is was The Truman show, we could step off set and get back to life as normal.  Yet we all know we cannot. Across the world, many schools have already closed.  Here in Australia our schools are not…
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Helping Children Navigate Fear

By Emotional Wellbeing, Parenting No Comments
Every child feels fear from time to time. Whether it’s about the monster under the bed or thinking about a scary story a friend told them, it can be tricky as a parent to know how to help our children through those moments. We thought that with the non stop media coverage of the coronarvirus, we’d share some thoughts on fear and what we can do for our children. The…
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An Equal World is an Enabled World

By Montessori Philosophy, Parenting No Comments
March 8th is International Women’s Day, and it seems as fitting a time as any for us to share this book list.  These titles highlight some of the amazing contributions women have made throughout the course of history, often working to overcome great obstacles.  Whether you read them to your daughters or your sons, we hope you will find a story that resonates, sparks their imaginations, and gives them a…
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Montessori and Nature

By Parenting No Comments
We all know spending time outdoors is good for our kids, but what did Maria Montessori have to say about it?  What can we do as parents to support our children’s development in the natural world, and what responsibilities do we have as a school  in regards to this critical work? Traditional Methods that Fall Short What do we think of when we imagine educating our children about nature?  Perhaps…
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7 Ways to Encourage Independence

By Parenting, Talking with children No Comments
We all  know that encouraging independence is a hallmark of Montessori education and parenting.  The best way to teach our children to do things for themselves is to create supportive structures in which they can gradually depend on us less and less.  You may be wondering exactly how to do this, and we are here to help!  Try these ten handy tips to get started: Allow your child to dress…
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How to Support the Work of Your Child’s Montessori School

By Parenting No Comments
A brand-new school year comes with lots of excitement and often lots of questions from new and returning families alike.  One of the most frequent questions we receive is, “How can we support Montessori education at home?” We love this question!  We know that even busy families want to do what they can to support the hard work of their children and their children’s teachers.  We are here to tell…
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